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6. mtCedCLI

mtCedCLI is a program that provides spreadsheet functionality via a Command Line Interface (CLI). It offers exactly the same functions as the GUI based mtCellEdit, but instead uses text commands.

Both GUI's and CLI's have value, and allow particular jobs to be done more efficiently. For example I use mtCedCLI as part of the testing phase before I release the whole mtCellEdit suite. I have created a number of tests in the form of scripts which test each part of the core libraries. This exposes any problems that may have crept into the code, and is a good form of regression testing.

6.1 Commands

mtCedCLI reads instructions from the user via GNU Readline. This offers useful interactive facilities like using the up and down arrows to access previous commands.

It is also possible to run a script from the command line like these examples:

cat script.txt | mtcedcli
mtcedcli < script.txt
mtcedcli < script.txt > log.txt 2>&1

Here is the complete list of commands that mtCedCLI accepts:

Command Arguments Notes
about About the program
clear content Clear cell content in current selection
clear prefs Clear cell preferences in current selection
clear Clear cells in current selection
clip flip_h Horizontal flip of clipboard
clip flip_v Vertical flip of clipboard
clip load <OS FILENAME> Load clipboard from a file
clip save <OS FILENAME> Save the current clipboard to this file
clip rotate_a Rotate the clipboard anticlockwise by 90 degrees
clip rotate_c Rotate the clipboard clockwise by 90 degrees
clip transpose Transpose the clipboard
copy output Copy the output of the currently selected cells to the clipboard
copy values Copy the values of the currently selected cells to the clipboard
copy Copy the currently selected cells to the clipboard
cut Copy the currently selected cells to the clipboard and clear the cells
delete column Delete the currently selected column(s)
delete graph Delete the currently active graph
delete row Delete the currently selected row(s)
delete sheet Delete the currently active sheet
duplicate sheet Duplicate the currently active sheet
export graph <OS FILENAME> Export the current graph to this file
export output graph <OS FILENAME> <FILETYPE> Export the current graph output to this file and type (as per 5.5.3)
export output sheet <OS FILENAME> <FILETYPE> Export the current sheet output to this file and type (as per 5.5.4)
export sheet <OS FILENAME> <FILETYPE> Export the current sheet to this file and type (as per 5.5.5)
find <TEXT> [wild] [case] [value] [all] Find cells with this text (possibly using the current selection)
help [ARG]... Display help on this command
import book <OS FILENAME> Import a book from a file into the current book
import graph <GRAPH NAME> <OS FILENAME> Import a file as a graph and give it this name
info Display current information
insert column [clip] Insert column(s) according to the current selection (or clipboard width)
insert row [clip] Insert row(s) according to the current selection (or clipboard height)
list files List files in the active book
list graphs List graphs in the active book
list sheets List sheets in the active book
load <OS FILENAME> [ csv | tsv ] Load a new book
new book Destroy the current book and start a new book with a sheet called "Sheet 1"
new sheet Add a new empty sheet to the book
new Destroy the current book and start a new book with a sheet called "Sheet 1"
paste content Paste clipboard contents onto the current selection
paste prefs Paste clipboard preferences onto the current selection
paste Paste clipboard onto the current selection
print cell num Print the cell number for all the selected cells
print cell text Print the cell text for all the selected cells
print cell type Print the cell type for all the selected cells
print prefs book Print the book preferences
print prefs cell Print the cell preferences in all the selected cells (that are not default)
print prefs sheet Print sheet preferences
print prefs state Print state preferences
print Print the cell output for all the selected cells
q Quit the program
quit Quit the program
recalc book Recalculate the book
recalc sheet Recalculate the sheet
recalc Recalculate the sheet
redo Redo next sheet action
rename graph <NEW NAME> Rename the current graph
rename sheet <NEW NAME> Rename the current sheet
save Save the current book
save as <OS FILENAME> [FILETYPE] Save the current book to this file (optionally changing the type as per 5.5.2)
select < all | CELLREF[:CELLREF] > Set the current cursor selection
set 2dyear [ YEAR START ] Change the currently selected cells if they contain a date with a 2 digit year
set book <INTEGER> Change the current active book (0..4)
set cell <CELL CONTENT> Set the cell text
set graph <GRAPH NAME> Set the current graph
set prefs book <KEY> <DATA> Set book preference (as per A.8.3)
set prefs cell <KEY> <DATA> Set currently selected cell preferences (as per A.8.1)
set prefs cellborder <DATA> Set currently selected cell border preferences (as per 5.5.6)
set prefs sheet <KEY> <DATA> Set the preferences for the current sheet (as per A.8.2)
set prefs state <KEY> <DATA> Set the state preferences (as per A.8.4)
set sheet <SHEET NAME> Set active sheet
set width < auto | INTEGER > Set selected columns width as integer > 0 (0=default=10), or by calculating the current maximum width
sort column <EXPRESSION> Sort selected columns by expression as per 5.5.7
sort row <EXPRESSION> Sort selected rows by expression as per 5.5.7
undo Undo last sheet action

6.2 Book File Types


6.3 Graph Output Types


6.4 Sheet Output Types


6.5 Sheet Types


6.6 Cell Border Codes

-1 Remove all borders
-2 Thin Outside
-3 Thick Outside
-4 Double Outside
-5 Thin Top And Bottom
-6 Thick Top And Bottom
-7 Double Top And Bottom

0 Clear Top
1 Clear Middle
2 Clear Bottom
3 Thin Top
4 Thin Middle
5 Thin Bottom
6 Thick Top
7 Thick Middle
8 Thick Bottom
9 Double Top
10 Double Middle
11 Double Bottom

12 Clear Left
13 Clear Centre
14 Clear Right
15 Thin Left
16 Thin Centre
17 Thin Right
18 Thick Left
19 Thick Centre
20 Thick Right
21 Double Left
22 Double Centre
23 Double Right

6.7 Sorting Expressions

<INTEGER> , < a | d > [c] [ , ... ]

For example, expression 1,ac,2,d sorts by row/column 1 (ascending, case sensitive), then row/column 2 (descending).

6.8 Shell Scripts

Because the interface to mtCedCLI is just text, this means that shell scripts can control the program.

6.8.1 Putting Several Sheets into a Book


# - Puts sheet files into a single book file
# usage: BOOKFILENAME SHEETFILE... | mtcedcli
# e.g. ~/ *.tsv *.csv | mtcedcli
# by Mark Tyler 19th February 2013

echo "delete sheet"
echo "save as \"$1\""


while [ "$1" != "" ]
	echo "import book \"$1\""

echo "save"

The handy thing with this approach is that you can dry run the script first by using:

./ ~/ *.tsv *.csv

If you are happy with the text output then you can commit the actions with:

./ ~/ *.tsv *.csv | mtcedcli

6.8.2 Extracting Sheets From a Book

The following script does the reverse of the first script. It reads a ZIP file and extracts all of the sheets to TSV files in the given directory.


# - Extracts the sheets from a book
# e.g. ~/ ~/temp_sheet
# by Mark Tyler 19th February 2013

# On error exit
set -e

mkdir -p "$2"


printf "load \"$1\"\n" > "$TMP_FILE"

printf "load \"$1\"\nlist sheets" |
mtcedcli -q |
awk '!/^$/ && !/^mtcedcli/' |
while read SHEET
	LOWER=$(echo "$SHEET" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')

	case "$LOWER" in
	*csv )	TYPE=csv;;
	* )	TYPE=tsv;;

	echo set sheet \"$SHEET\" >> "$TMP_FILE"
	echo export sheet \"$2/$SHEET\" $TYPE >> "$TMP_FILE"

cat "$TMP_FILE"

echo Type y and press ENTER to run this script

read KEY

if [ "$KEY" = "y" ]
	cat "$TMP_FILE" | mtcedcli


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